GreenVeggie Fusion25™ Daily Green & Vegetables Blend

There is a growing increase in the demand for dietary supplements. In the US, the sale of dietary supplements increased by 5% in 2019 compared to the previous year[i], and this growth is set to continue. With many people on a mission to improve their health and lifestyle, dietary supplements can offer a convenient, yet healthy way to ensure your customers are meeting their daily nutrition recommendations.

So, we’re delighted to introduce GreenVeggie Fusion25™ Daily Green & Vegetables Blend, a powerful blend of 25, superfoods and fibers, ready to pack a nutritious punch.

Supplements come in all shapes, sizes, and forms, and at Stockk Nutrition we understand consumer needs. That’s why our GreenVeggie Fusion25™ Daily Green & Vegetables Blend is available as capsules, tablets, or an RTD powder mix, enabling you to meet your customer's demands.

Let’s explore some of the scientifically proven health benefits of the GreenVeggie Fusion25™ ingredients and why they should be finding their way onto your product list.

The Power of Super Greens

GreenVeggie Fusion25™ Daily Green & Vegetables Blend is bursting with goodness. With 15 organic super greens, GreenVeggie Fusion25™ promotes overall health and provides a broad spectrum of nutritional benefits, including immune support, detoxification, and improved energy levels.

The 15 organic super greens are:

  1. Organic Alfalfa Grass
  2. Organic Wheat Grass
  3. Organic Barley Grass
  4. Organic Kale
  5. Organic Spirulina
  6. Organic oat grass
  7. Organic Chlorella
  8. Organic Spinach
  9. Organic Cabbage
  10. Organic Broccoli
  11. Organic Cauliflower
  12. Organic Carrots
  13. Organic Celery
  14. Organic Parsley
  15. Organic Tomato

The combined benefits of these 15 super greens are wide-ranging but we’ll highlight some of our select favorites, next.

Detoxification and immunity

Alfalfa grass is a herb celebrated for its rich nutritious value that has been used to treat illnesses thanks to its high anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities.

Raeeszadeh et al., (2022) assessed the effectiveness of alfalfa methanolic extract (AME) in preventing liver damage caused by nicotine in rats. The results showed that nicotine-induced liver damage while AME led to increased weight gain, improved liver-to-body weight ratio, enhanced enzymatic antioxidant levels, reduced malondialdehyde levels, normalized liver functional enzymes, and decreased proinflammatory cytokine levels in a dose-dependent manner. Therefore, this suggests that alfalfa could ameliorate nicotine-induced liver damage because of its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory mechanisms[ii].

Wheatgrass also has potent benefits for the immune system because it has a high nutrient profile. Thanks to its high antioxidant content, studies have shown that wheatgrass may have a positive effect on cancer cells. One test-tube study showed that in the presence of wheatgrass, mouth cancer cells were decreased by 41%[iii].

Heart health

Barley grass is a common constituent of supplements and green powders because it is rich in vitamins and minerals. Lots of research has shown that barley grass can support heart health.

In a study involving 36 type 2 diabetic patients, participants were given one of four supplements daily for four weeks: 15 g barley leaf (BL), 200 mg vitamin C, and 200 mg vitamin E (CE), or BL plus CE (BL + CE). The results showed that the oxidation of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol was reduced when 15 g of barley leaf was administered. The study concluded that barley leaf could protect type 2 diabetic patients from vascular disease[iv].

Eye health

Kale is a superfood that’s packed with vitamin C, vitamin K, beta carotene, and even nutrients that are known to support eye health. The green leafy vegetable is a source of lutein and zeaxanthin, nutrients known to be essential for eye health. They are antioxidants that need to be replenished regularly. The regular consumption of kale may help to reduce the risk of developing macular degeneration[v].

Energy and cognitive function

Spirulina and chlorella are classified as a type of algae with huge health benefits, making spirulina one of the most popular health supplements. But more recently they have been shown to have benefits for energy and cognition.

During exercise, oxidative damage is a major factor in the development of muscle fatigue. However, spirulina supplementation has been linked to having ergogenic potential by increasing oxygen uptake and improving exercise tolerance[vi].

Chlorella can reduce oxidative stress, a major contributor to age-related cognitive decline. Nakashima et al., (2009) investigated whether Chlorella could prevent age-dependent cognitive impairment in mice. The researchers found that the introduction of Chlorella into the diet prevented cognitive decline and reduced oxidative stress[vii].

Further health benefits of super greens

Loaded with a plethora of health-promoting nutrients, oat grass has numerous benefits. Oat grass is a rich source of insoluble and soluble fiber, which supports good digestive health.

Spinach is a powerhouse of nutrients, including being rich in chlorophyll and carotenoids, contributing to its antioxidant properties. It’s also a rich source of iron, playing a central role in the development of healthy red blood cells and energy maintenance.

Green leafy vegetables, like cabbage and broccoli, contain calcium which can support normal bone growth, development, and maintenance.

The Sweet Side of Health: Super Fruits

Alongside the 15 super greens, we have also picked 5 super fruits to include in this blend. They bring an added sweetness and even more benefits. These 5 ingredients have been specially chosen for their high nutrient content, antioxidants, and health advantages.

Fruits are an essential part of our diet, delivering important vitamins, minerals, and a hearty source of fiber. Let’s dive into the specific benefits of the five super fruit powders included in GreenVeggie Fusion25™.

Green Apple Powder

Apples are a gift of nature. They are packed with nutrients, and fiber and boast antioxidant properties that contribute to good health. Apples contain a type of dietary fiber called pectin which promotes healthy digestion.

The pectin in green apples may contribute to slower gastric emptying and improved bowel function[viii]. In a study involving 80 slow-transit constipation patients,  the effectiveness of pectin on colon transit time was assessed. The treatment consisted of 4-week supplementation of 24 g per day of pectin or a placebo.

The results found that the inclusion of pectin in the diet sped up colon transit time and alleviated the symptoms in patients with slow-transit constipation. It also increased the abundance of healthy bacteria in the gut microbiota, providing protective benefits[ix].

Beet Root Powder

Red beetroot has been ranked amongst the top 10 most potent antioxidant vegetables[x]. The deep crimson color comes from the naturally red pigments called betalains[xi]. Betalains have a good ability to scavenge reactive oxidant species, helping to rid them from the body and prevent them from causing harm.

These antioxidants have been associated with numerous benefits, including having a protective effect against LDL-cholesterol and may have protective effects for the liver, a major site of detoxification in the body[xii].

Strawberry Powder

Strawberries not only taste good, but they’re good for you too. They contain potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agents called flavonoids that have been linked to better heart health.

Basu et al (2009) tested to see if freeze-dried strawberry powder lowered fasting lipid (fat) levels and inflammatory biomarkers after 4 weeks. They found that total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol levels were significantly lower at 4 weeks compared to baseline, suggesting that freeze-dried strawberry powder has hypocholesterolemic effects[xiii].

Cranberry Powder

Cranberries are noted for their ability to lower blood pressure and improve cholesterol levels, but they also prevent urinary tract infections (UTIs). The research is mixed but a study published in 2023 found that cranberry products reduced the risk of UTI by 54% in children, 26% in women with a history of recurrent infections, and 53% after medical intervention.

Goji Berry Powder

Goji berries have long been recognized for their nutritional value, and medicinal properties and have found themselves elevated to superfood status in the Western world in the last few decades.

Some of the health benefits of goji berries include antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-cancer, anti-diabetic, and neuroprotective effects[xiv].

Fiber Fusion for Optimal Digestion

GreenVeggie Fusion25™ Daily Green & Vegetables Blend contains a combination of 5 diverse types of dietary fiber known to support digestive health, promote normal bowel function, and maintain a healthy gut microbiome.


Inulin, commonly extracted from chicory root is a type of soluble fiber that serves as a source of nourishment for beneficial gut bacteria. Studies show that inulin can enhance the growth of normal residents of the gut, such as Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria, through the increased production of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs). In turn, this helps to strengthen the integrity of the intestinal barrier, protecting the body from pathogenic invasion and infections[xv].

Apple fiber

As well as the important effects of apple fiber on digestion, which we mentioned earlier, apples may also help to control blood sugar levels.

Inoue et al., (2022) explored the effects apples could have on blood sugar and insulin levels in people with normal and impaired glucose tolerance. The participants were split into two groups; one ate an apple before a test meal of rice, and the other ate the rice before the apple.

In healthy individuals, peak blood sugar and insulin levels were lower when the apple was eaten first and those with impaired glucose tolerance reported a significant decrease in peak blood sugar when the apple was eaten first. Therefore, the study demonstrates that eating an apple before a meal could be particularly beneficial for people with impaired glucose tolerance to control their blood sugar levels[xvi].

White bean fiber

White bean fiber is a rich source of resistant starch, a type of fiber that is fermented slowly by your gut microbes. It is an important substrate to produce SCFAs and can have many health benefits. For example, research shows it may be important for improving insulin sensitivity, improving satiety, and supporting digestion[xvii].

Oat fiber

Extracted from the outer oat husks, oat fiber is mostly insoluble which promotes the movement of food through your digestive system and increases stool bulkiness. Insoluble fiber is especially beneficial for people who experience constipation or irregular bowel movements.

FOS (Fructooligosaccharides)

FOS is found naturally in plants, like artichoke, asparagus, chicory, and onions, and serves as a prebiotic food source for good gut bacteria. FOS has both a bifidogenic effect and enhances the growth of other probiotics, like Lactobacillus, which are linked to many positive health outcomes.

Mahalak et al., (2022) demonstrated that FOS increased Bifidobacteria levels in all age groups, SCFA levels, and lowered alpha diversity[xviii]. Zhang et al., (2020) also found that FOS increased the intestinal abundance of L. reuteri, a bacterial strain that is decreased during chronic stress. Therefore, FOS could prevent depression caused by chronic stress and repair the damage to the intestinal barrier caused by chronic stress[xix]. This study in mice shows the potential for FOS to have an anti-depressant effect.

The GreenVeggie Fusion25™  Promise

At Stockk Nutrition we are committed to supplying organic, non-GMO ingredients to ensure we continue to champion simplicity, science, and transparency. The dietary supplement market is flooded with synthetic chemicals, but we’re committed to supplying high-quality, clean-label products that are 100% free from unnecessary additives and synthetic substances. 


The unique blend of super greens, super fruits, and fiber in GreenVeggie Fusion25™ creates a powerful synergy that amplifies overall wellness.

Super greens, like kale and spirulina, infuse the body with essential vitamins and minerals, bolstering immune defenses and enhancing energy. Superfruits, including goji berries and strawberries, contribute potent antioxidants, combatting oxidative stress and supporting cellular health. The diverse fibers, such as inulin and oat fiber, foster a healthy gut microbiome, crucial for optimal digestion and nutrient absorption.

Together, these components work in harmony, not only detoxifying the body by flushing out toxins but also ensuring that each bodily function, from immunity to energy production, operates at its peak. This holistic approach to nutrition ensures that every sip of GreenVeggie Fusion25™ supports your journey to a balanced, healthier lifestyle.

Find out how you can embrace the power of GreenVeggie Fusion25™ and contact us today to see how we can fulfill your dietary supplement needs.

Written by: Leanne Edermaniger MSc.


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